Influencer media kit of Wendy Ruijfrok

Wendy Ruijfrok

Wendy Ruijfrok

150k - 500k

Hello! My name is Wendy Ruijfrok, I am a professional well know Dutch actress and national parkour champion. I play the main character in the new movie 'Silverstar' and in the tv-serie 'Brugklas'. I am a professional influencer on multiple platforms (Tiktok & Instagram with over 240k followers).


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Last updated: 2 weeks ago
Hello! My name is Wendy Ruijfrok, I am a professional well know Dutch actress and national parkour champion. I have played the main character in two big dutch cinema movies; Silverstar, and one will be released in 2022, and I also potray the main character in the most watched Dutch teen-series 'Brugklas'. I am a professional influencer on multiple platforms; Tiktok & Instagram with over 240k followers. I am also a professional freerun athlete and my followers love to see me freerunning and flipping around. I am a multiple national freerun champion :)! I am always looking for a new adventure and I love moving my body around so I love promoting sportsbrands as well. I make dance video's, share my fashion style with my followers and they always love to see my outfit inspiration/fashion content! I also take my followers with me behind the scenes on set in my video's and I love to share my passion for food (mostly sushi! ;) and bubble tea with them. I promote through Instagram & Tiktok.


Last updated: 2 weeks ago

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