Influencer media kit of Romy van Genderen

Romy van Genderen

Romy van Genderen

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Hi mijn naam is Romy van Genderen, oorspronkelijk kom ik uit Twente en woon tegenwoordig in Den Bosch. Ik heb nogal last van 'wanderlust' en reis dan ook graag de wereld rond. Op mijn blog, Instagram en youtube kanaal laat ik zien wat wij zoal beleven!

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Mijn Travel Diary: Lees reisverhalen en reis tips voor bestemmingen over heel de wereld. Europa, Azie, Afrika, de Caraïben en stedentrips!
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Things to do in Cartagena: Attractions

2 years ago

Cartagena, also called Cartagena de Indias, is a city located in northern Colombia. The city center is surrounded by an ancient city wall. Within the walls you will find numerous colonial buildings. Often referred to as the most beautiful city in Colombia, Cartagena cannot be compared to Bogotá or Medellín. Its beauty, beaches and the […]

Het bericht Things to do in Cartagena: Attractions verscheen eerst op TRAVELDICTED.

Things to do in Minca: Attractions

2 years ago

Minca is a small village located in northern Colombia, about 15 kilometers from Santa Marta. Minca is surrounded by the Sierra Nevada mountains and rainforest. As a result, you can enjoy some stunning views in this town. Due to the height difference, Minca is a popular destination for hiking. In addition, you can visit waterfalls […]

Het bericht Things to do in Minca: Attractions verscheen eerst op TRAVELDICTED.

Tip: Visit Tayrona National Park nearby Santa Marta

2 years ago

Tayrona National Park is a protected national park located on the northern coast of Colombia about 35 km from the city of Santa Marta. The park covers an area of 150 km² and is often described as a tropical paradise. Not only you’ll find white sandy beaches surrounded by huge palm trees and intense blue […]

Het bericht Tip: Visit Tayrona National Park nearby Santa Marta verscheen eerst op TRAVELDICTED.


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