Campaign expectations
Qullqi is a new jewelry brand. Based in Amsterdam, with Peruvian roots. Qullqi means silver in Quechua, a old Inca-language, still spoken today.
The Peruvian owner is on a mission to have men and women wear beautiful silver jewelry from Peru. Since at least 3000 years ago the ancestors of modern Peruvians have excelled at making fine jewelry and this tradition has been handed over from father to son. As westerners we are familiar with Tutankhamen, but South America has it´s own version of ancient treasures in the Lord of Sipán. A short summary you can find here: The founder of Qullqi is from the region where are these treasures were found and traditions have been built and he has always been fascinated with old Peruvian culture.
Even though the traditions of silver smithing and jewelry making are old, the Qullqi style of jewelry certainly isn´t. The designs are modern and minimalist. You can find the current collection on the website. At this moment we are designing a new collection to be launched in spring of 2019.
All the jewelry - each individual piece - is handmade by local silver smiths in Northern Peru.
Our audience
As the designs are minimalist as well as modern, we feel that they would be appreciated by different "style groups" as those that can be found on "Ken je Klant in Mode". For women we are targeting the groups Trendy, Feminine, and "Verzorgd". One of the main differences between these style groups, is age. For men we are targeting Modern.
In this campaign we are only targeting the Dutch speaking market in The Netherlands and Flemish Region of Belgium.
Our goal
We would like to work with influencers to accomplish one of two things in this campaign:
- More followers on our Instagram account, OR
- Sales by use of a personalized discount code.
We would like to receive a proposal/ideas from the influencer on how they plan to go about it. We are open to creative ideas and suggestions. Please mention rout idea's in your pitch.
(Ideas can be submitted in Dutch or English.)
Important to know
Apart from rewarding with a fixed fee, we also would like to reward our partner with commissions through our own affiliate program. We expect the influencer to set up an account in the affiliate program and use affiliate links in articles or posts.