Influencer media kit of Andrea Janssen

Andrea Janssen

Andrea Janssen

1 reviews

50k - 150k

Wat leuk dat je even op mijn site langskomt. Ik ben Andréa en ik woon in het Zuiden van Nederland, in de buurt van Oss.

Mijn passie is koken en eten. En dat begon al toen ik heel klein was. Want ik hou van lekker eten en voor de meeste wereld keukens kun je me 's nachts wakker maken (en dat zegt he

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Homemade Chai Tea Latte

4 days ago

Homemade Chai Tea Latte from a teabag is on the rise. And not without reason. This spicy milk-based tea is warming, easy to prepare and tasty. The black tea, mixed with creamy milk, herbs, and a spoonful of honey, is spicy and rich in taste. I like a cup of this delicious tea every day....

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The post Homemade Chai Tea Latte appeared first on By Andrea Janssen.

Traditional Greek Eggplant Moussaka

a week ago

This Traditional Greek Eggplant Moussaka with ground beef is a delicious dish perfect for a nice dinner. The combination of eggplant, ground beef, and a rich, spicy tomato sauce, topped with a creamy béchamel sauce, explodes in flavor with every bite. Moussaka is known as a delicious Greek layered dish where the flavors of eggplant, ground beef,...

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The post Traditional Greek Eggplant Moussaka appeared first on By Andrea Janssen.

Quick and Creamy Beef and Pumpkin Curry

a month ago

This Quick and Creamy Beef and Pumpkin Curry is a delicious, easy meal perfect for any weeknight. It is quick to prepare and also easy to make. The soft pumpkin combines perfectly with the flavor explosion of the curry and the tender steak. The recipe for this curry came about because I had a pumpkin...

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The post Quick and Creamy Beef and Pumpkin Curry appeared first on By Andrea Janssen.

De Beste Drop Ooit - Een nieuwe smaak

Brand Awareness
a year ago
Het was een fijne samenwerking, alles werd op de juiste tijd gedeeld! Voor ons valt het totale bereik wel een beetje tegen, vandaar 4 sterren!

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