
LPRD Legging Review


Campaign expectations

We would like to have our leggings reviewed using your own honest discretion.

Some ideas:

  1. It would be great to compare it to another legging from another company.
  2. Emphasis on the fact that we create custom handmade leggings in the Netherlands, in Amsterdam would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Describing that we have different colours of leggings and the fact that we can customize the leggings with/without an ankle strap and zipped pocket.

Dutch or English is fine, whichever language that you can write a more interesting compelling language in! If we choose Dutch as the language we should discuss which anchor text's we should us.

Note: This is a Barterdeal.please pitch with €0,00 if you agree to that. If you also want a fixed fee, that's possible, please write in your motivation what you could do for us.

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We would like to have our leggings reviewed using your own honest discretion.

Some ideas: